Sunday, 28 July 2013


Maximum Score-100 Time:2½ hrs
Cool of Time:15 Minutes
(Question 1 to 12. Answer briefly to any 10 of the following questions.3 score each)10x3=30
1. “Free responses of the learners are better than the predetermined answers in an
English class”
Do you agree with this idea? Give justifications?
2. “Collaborative teachers maintain the high level talk and interaction when a whole
class engages in discussions”
Explain how this creates ZPD(Zone of Proximal Development)
3. Explain voiceless sounds . Identify two voiceless sounds in the word ‘education’.
4. A teacher remarked in a cluster meeting “Learning of English words in isolation will
improve vocabulary” Do you agree with the statement in the context of language
acquisition? Justify your answer?
5. Write any three steps that you will take to make your narration comprehensible to the
whole class?
6. “Editing the written products of learners is time consuming. Completing the units is
more important” How will you respond to this remark of a standard V English
7. Copy writing can not be considered as organic writing? Why? Write one example for
organic writing?
8. “Present TTC Curriculum requires some refinements “ Make any three suggestions
based on your experience.
9. ‘Same structure can be used to express different functions. Give any one such
structure with three functions.
10. While teaching English, a teacher translates sentences in to Malayalam to help the
learners comprehend better. How does this affect English language learning?
11. Mention any three techniques of information Technology to make the teaching of
English effective in std IV.
12. “Role plays are miniature forms of drama” What are the MI(Multiple Intelligence)
components catered when children role play their script?
(Questions 13 to 24. Write short answers to any 10 of the following questions: 5
score each)
13. Why do we have ‘Issue based curriculum ‘? Write any three of the issue domains?
14. Prepare a diary of any one day of your ‘Sahavasa camp’ Evaluate it with the grading
indicators of a diary
15. “An activity which requires the use of more ‘innate thinking capabilities is good for
language acquisition “Write any five such innate thinking capabilities?
16. “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is central to teaching learning
process” What are the items you will include in the response page of teaching manuel
in the con text of CCE.
17. As the Manager of the school, you are to select an English Teacher for Primary
classes. Prepare five questions for the interview in terms of cognitive Interactionist
18. Differentiate between the concepts Learning and Acquisition.
19. “Parents are crazy to admit their wards in English medium schools “What do you
think are the reasons for this in the Kerala context?
20. He good school yesterday. Identify the error and correct the sentence. Mention the
process of editing this sentence in Std .VI.
21. What is a language game ? Explain any one language game suitable for Std.V.
22. Write four lines of a poem to be used as a teacher’s version for std V on the theme
‘Butterfly in the Garden’.
23. What are the criteria for evaluating an English language Course Book in the context
of Constructivist Pedagogy?
24. Write an appreciation of a poem you have read.
(Questions 25 and 26.Write answers, selecting one from each set 10 score each)
25. ‘Our approach and practice to the language acquisition demands spontaneous
construction of a variety of oral and written discourses by the learners, ‘Explain the
rationale with reference to the Discourse Oriented Pedagogy.
Point out the problems you faced during the teaching practice of English in upper
primary classes. Explain one in detail by analyzing the probable causes. What did you
do to solve this problem?
26. Read the passage from the unit “Children with Strong Will” (Course Book-Std VI)
Prepare a teaching manual for the CO-write thoughts/diaries on incidents (Interactive
questions ,reading the passage, process of writing thoughts and teacher’s version are
to be included in the teaching manual)
A Shock
‘My sister………….my sister……,’ Anjali ran after the bus, whimpering. But the bus
did not stop. It sped away belching thick clouds of smoke and dust. Tears and smoke
blurred her vision. The bus turned a curve and disappeared from view.
Anjali stood there bewildered.
An old man was watching her from the other side of the road. He crossed the road and
walked up to her.
‘Child, don’t cry’, he said’, that conductor is a bit rude.
But don’t worry; you will get the next bus.’
She looked at him thankfully.
She waited eagerly for the next bus.
Express Anjali’s thoughts when the bus disappeared from her view.
Read the passage from the unit ‘The Man with a Monkey’(Course Book –std
IV)Prepare a teaching manual for the CO-Read and write simple stories on the basis
of clues.
(Interactive questions, process of reading, process of writing a story and teacher’s
version are to be included in the teaching manual)
The Relief
‘Is it Mr.Dasan?’ A lady’s voice heard at the other end.
‘Yes,Dasan speaking.’
‘I’m from the district hospital.
Is Nevin your son?’ The lady asked.
‘Yes,madam,he is my son.’
‘Your son is with us.
We have just got the number.
You may come to the hospital now.’
‘What happened to my son? Anything serious?
‘Nothing serious. He is alright now.
‘When he was brought here, he was unconscious’.
‘I’ll be there soon.’ Dasan said.
The lady hung up.Dasan left for the hospital.
Why was Nevin admitted to hospital?
What happened to Nevin?
Write the story?

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